Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Retail Advertising and POS Displays

There are many types of POS displays including floor display bins, window displays and counter displays. Some of them are open cases and some are closed cases. Either way, the main idea is to craft a display that uses specific marketing triggers designed to capitalize on the sometimes impulsive nature of making a purchase. A well designed point of sale display should not only focus on impulse buys, but it should also be aesthetically attractive in its own right and lead to an increase in sales.

Point of purchase displays work in as an up-sell of sorts. In the online marketplace, up-sells presented at the point of purchase, that is to say the landing page or sales page, typically convert at up to thirty percent. That makes a pretty good analogy to the brick and mortar world in regards to POP displays. The idea is the same. When people are mentally prepared to buy, it’s a good time to hit them up for another additional purchase. Many studies have shown this as you’ll easily discover for yourself with just a modicum of internet research. If you want to see what a custom point of sale display looks like, visit the link.